about Bekasi City.

Senin, 18 Januari 2016

Masjid Agung Bekasi

Masjid Agung Al-Barkah Bekasi adalah sebuah masjid yang ada di Bekasi. Masjid ini merupakan salah satu masjid tua di Indonesia. Masjid ini telah mengalami beberapa kali renovasi. Renovasi pertama ketika kota Bekasi menjadi tuan rumah MTQ Jawa Barat 1998, lalu direnovasi lagi pada 2002. Sampai kemudian menjadi bentuknya yang semegah dan semewah sekarang ini setelah melalui renovasi total tahun 2004-2008.
Masjid Agung Al-Barkah kota Bekasi berada di Jalan Veteran, Kawasan Alun alun, Pusat pemerintahan kota Bekasi, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Lokasi masjid ini berseberangan dengan Rumah Sakit Daerah kota Bekasi.

Masjid ini dibangun pada tahun 1890 di atas tanah wakaf milik Bahrun dengan luas 3000 meter persegi. Masjid ini menjadi pusat syiar Islam dan menjadi area publik dengan keindahan taman kota di Alun-alun Kota Bekasi.

Makam Pahlawan

Makam pahlawan bekasi
Makam Pahlawan Bulak Kapal yang terletak di Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Bulak Kapal) Kota_Bekasi luasnya 8.350 meter persegi, dibangun sekitar tahun 1960an. Kurang ada data yang pasti tentang kapan tepatnya dibangunnya Taman Makam Pahlawan Bekasi.   

Namun menurut petugas penjaga dan Babinsa KODIM Bekasi mengatakan saat ini para pahlawan yang dimakamkan kurang lebih 200 orang pahlawan dan masih bisa menampung sekitar 100 pejuang Bekasi, rata-rata pahlawan yang disemayamkan ditaman makam pahlawan ini terdiri dari para pejuang Bekasi yang gugur dijaman perjuangan Bekasi mengusir para penjajah dari bumi Bekasi yang terdiri dari BKR ( Badan Keamanan Rakyat ), element pejuang yang tidak dikenal maupun para pejuang yang mendapatkan bintang tanda jasa dari pemerintah daerah.

Dan pada tanggal 15 agustus 1995, mendapatkan perhatian dari pemerintah Kabupaten sebelum pemekaran wilayah antara Kabupaten Bekasi dan Kota Bekasi untuk merenovasi bangunan dan makam para pejuang Bekasi yang pada saat itu pemerintahan Bekasi masih Kabupaten Bekasi dan diresmikan oleh Bupati Bekasi H. Moch. Djamhari. 

Taman Makam pahlawan Bekasi juga terdapat tugu Perjuangan berupa bangunan mirip bamboo runcing yang berbentuk segitaga menjulang tinggi keatas dan berjumlah 6 buah yang tinggi setiap bangunan berbeda-beda sebagai simbol perjuangan Bekasi dalam mengusir para penjajah dimuka Bumi Indonesia.

Sebagai masyarakat Bekasi kita harus sadar dan mengerti bahwa sebenarnya Bekasi juga sebenarnya kota perjuangan juga selain yang ada dikota – kota lainnya di Indonesia. Karena kegigihannya para pejuang Bekasi dalam mempertahankan harga diri Bekasi dan Bumi pertiwi Indonesia mendapatkan apresiasi dari seniman terkenal yaitu Chairil Anwar dengan puisinya yang sangat terkenal berjudul “ KARAWANG – BEKASI “. 

Kita sebagai generasi penerus wajib dan harus melanjutkan perjuangan yang pernah dicontohkan para pejuang Bekasi. Sebagai bentuk melanjutkan perjuangan bisa kita lakukan dengan berbagai cara seperti memberikan dukungan dan loyalitas yang penuh terhadap Bekasi demi kemajuan Bekasi dan memberikan hal yang sama terhadap Team sepakbola yang ada di Bekasi. (sumber:supporterbekasi.com)

Kerawang Bekasi

Karawang Bekasi

Kami yang kini terbaring antara Karawang-Bekasi
Tidak bisa teriak "Merdeka" dan angkat senjata lagi
Tapi siapakah yang tidak lagi mendengar deru kami
Terbayang kami maju dan berdegap hati?
Kami bicara padamu dalam hening di malam sepi
Jika dada rasa hampa dan jam dinding yang berdetak
Kami mati muda. Yang tinggal tulang diliputi debu
Kenang, kenanglah kami
Kami sudah coba apa yang kami bisa
Tapi kerja belum selesai, belum apa-apa
Kami sudah beri kami punya jiwa
Kerja belum selesai, belum bisa memperhitungkan arti 4-5 ribu jiwa
Kami cuma tulang-tulang berserakan
Tapi adalah kepunyaanmu
Kaulah lagi yang tentukan nilai tulang-tulang berserakan
Ataukah jiwa kami melayang untuk kemerdekaan, kemenangan dan harapan
Atau tidak untuk apa-apa
Kami tidak tahu, kami tidak bisa lagi berkata
Kami bicara padamu dalam hening di malam sepi
Jika dada rasa hampa dan jam dinding yang berdetak
Kenang-kenanglah kami
Menjaga Bung Karno
Menjaga Bung Hatta
Menjaga Bung Syahrir
Kami sekarang mayat
Berilah kami arti
Berjagalah terus di garis batas pernyataan dan impian
Kenang-kenanglah kami
Yang tinggal tulang-tulang diliputi debu
Beribu kami terbaring antara Karawang-Bekasi

Karya Chairil Anwar

Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat

1.       Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat
Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat ini terletak di Jalan Veteran Kota Bekasi atau tepatnya di Alun-alun Depan Kantor Polresta Bekasi. Monumen ini didirikan pada tanggal 5 Juli 1955. Dibuat dalam rangka menyambut HUT Proklamasi RI ke-10 dan HUT Kabupaten Bekasi ke-5 tahun 1955. Pembuatan monumen ini diprakarsai dan dibiayai oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Bekasi.
Bentuk Monumen ini berupa tugu persegi lima terbuat dari batu bata. Tinggi Tugu 5.08 cm termasuk dasar tugu dikelilingi pagar tembok tinggi 1 meter dan masing-masing 3 meter juga persegi lima, dengan pengertian Pancasila.
Monumen ini didirikan untuk memperingati beberapa peristiwa yang terjadi di Bekasi, yaitu :
a. Peristiwa bulan Agustus 1945
b. Peristiwa Awal bulan Pebruari 1950 ( Penentuan Resolusi Rakyat Bekasi )


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Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

Danau Marakas

Lake Marakas
Danau Marakas merupakan danau yang terletak di Pondok Ungu, Bekasi Utara. Danau marakas menjadi tempat wisata dan menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata bagi keluarga untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan. Selain menikmati pemandangan danau, pengunjung bisa memancing, mencicipi kuliner di deretan warung sekitar atau berburu souvenir. Untuk masuk ke tempat wisata di Bekasi ini, dan pengunjung tidak dipungut biaya untuk datang ke danau marakas ini.


City Forest

City Forest
Bekasi known as residential areas and industrial forest turned out to have a comfortable city to visit during the weekend . These attractions are located in the village of Margahayu , South Bekasi .
Tourist attractions in Bekasi was opened in 2012 and has an area of ​​about 2 hectares . Here , there are many trees and the air is relatively cool . Activities you can do include picnics , cycling and see the breeding of pigeons and finches .

Tree House

Tree House
Travel Tree House is well suited if you're visiting with children . these attractions offer outdoor recreation for adult children . Various outbound game you and your family can do here , ranging from flying fox , climbing wall , paintball until an arena fishing and toddlers .
Tourist attractions in Bekasi is very beautiful with lots of shady trees at the site . As natural attractions , here you have to keep the freshness of the air so that for visitors who want to smoke have been provided a special room so as not to disturb other visitors .
Travel Tree House is located on Highway Parpostel , Jatiasih , Bekasi . To support facilities , in these attractions already available mosque, toilets and food court .

Mutiara Beting Beach

Mutiara Beting Beach
Muara coastal shoals have a brownish white sand gently sloping . Besides the beach, in this area there is also a nature reserve consists of mangrove forests , and some species such as the black monkey and crocodile swamp . A good time to come to the tourist attractions in Bekasi is between the months of September to February . The month-on- month , while the migration of birds from the Pacific region to the mainland and temporary shelter in this natural reserve .
Muara Beach Shelf located in the Village of Joy Beach , Muara Gembong , or about 2 hours drive from the city center Bekasi

Lake Cibeureum

Lake Cibeureum
Tourist attractions in Bekasi has become a favorite location for cyclists around the community . On weekends , the area of ​​Lake Cibeureum be crowded visited by cyclists from all over Bekasi . Their usual food stalls clustered around the lake.
2-hectare lake has an island overgrown kecildi middle of a large tree . The island in the middle of the lake is a favorite object of the visitors . Besides hunting , you can also put up a tent or roll out a mat for a picnic with the family . Facilities at the lake already quite complete from toilets , food stalls , souvenir shops until the benches overlooking the lake .
Administratively , the lake is located in the two villages, the Village and the Village Coat Coat Sari Jaya , District Tambun , Bekasi .

Saung Ranggon

Saung Ranggon
Saung Rangoon is an ancient stilt house in the village Cikedokan , Cikarang Barat . Saung , measuring 7.6 x 7.2 meters with a height of 2.5 floors above the ground floor . There are seven pieces of stairs to climb up to the main floor . The inside of the hut is a large room without insulation or windows.
Tourist attractions in Bekasi was built in the 16th century by Prince Rangga who is the son of Prince Jayakarta . Prince Rangga build these huts as a hiding place when ran from the pursuit of the Netherlands . Saung Rangoon recently discovered in 1821 by Prince Abbas . Although it has undergone renovation several times , but the buildings and ornaments are still largely original .
Besides being a tourist place , Saung Rangoon is also used as a 'find blessing' by many people to bring offerings .

Hok Lay Kiong Pagoda

Hok Lay Kiong Pagoda
Hok Lay Kiong pagoda is one of the oldest temple in Calcutta. No one knows for sure when exactly the temple at Jalan Kenari, Margahayu, was built, but is expected this temple had stood since 300-400 years ago. Not unlike most pagoda, here red still dominates the building and all ornaments.
Although it has been renovated several times, but some parts of the pagoda measuring 650 square meters is still the original such as doors, statues of gods, and the altar's pole. In addition to being a place of prayer for the people of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, this temple also became one of the sights in Bekasi frequently visited.
On the main altar stands a statue of Lord Hok Lay Kiong, not far from the altar, there are still some other gods such as the statue of Kwan Im. Goddess of love has become a place of prayer for the people who want brought near his soul mate. To smooth sustenance, people will pray before a statue of Lord Tjay Sen Loya.
If you want to enjoy a different atmosphere with the other, try to come during Chinese New Year celebration. At that time, usually performed a purification ceremony and carnival lion gods. There are also ritual Sow Damn, where do pelarungan paper contains Bekasi River and hope to release the turtle.

Waterboom Lippo Cikarang

If a vacation to Bali too far for you, why not go to Waterboom Lippo Cikarang alone? Go to the waterpark area, you will find it was in Bali. Tourist attractions in Bekasi is designed very similar to the atmosphere of the island. Here, you can see Saung Saung black-and-white cloth decorated Balinese frangipani flowers around the pool and statues made of stone. Additionally, you can also hear the strains of the musical Bali for being here.
These attractions offer a complete water rides ranging from 1.5 meters deep adult pool, a pool for children up to the current pool. Adult pool is equipped with a net to play water volleyball and water sled challenging adrenaline. For a children's pool, there is a miniature boats and surfboards mini no less exciting.
Thirsty and hungry while swimming but lazy getting out of the pool? Quiet. There Juice Station in one part of the pool so you can buy juice while still in the water. Hmm, yes fun! Juice Station In addition to this, there are still many other facilities like food court, fish therapy pool and spa. There is also the outbound packets and eco-friendly to the group.
The price of admission these attractions is 55,000 Rupiah for Monday - Friday and 85,000 rupiah for Saturday - Sunday and public holidays. Waterboom Lippo Cikarang is open from 10:00 until 18:00 every day.

Indonesian Crocodile Park Jaya

It is a tourist spot in bekasi that should not be missed crocodile lovers. Crocodile Indonesia Jaya is a crocodile breeding place located in Jalan Raya Serang Cibarusah, Sukaragam village. Before entering, you are greeted by a statue of a large crocodile on the front page of this crocodile breeding place.
Tourist attractions were built in 1990 has 5 large pool that can accommodate each 100 crocodiles. Swimming-pool is limited by a 1.5-meter-high iron fence for the safety of visitors. Not only adult alligator pond, where breeding is also a crocodile eggs hatching room and a small pool for a baby alligator. Besides crocodiles, you can also find the monkey cage here.
Interestingly, you can watch the show Debus Banten where players fight crocodiles and snakes in the wild here. This show is held every Sunday and other holidays twice a day, at 11:00 and 14:00. If you missed the show whistle, you could still enjoy the tourist attractions in Bekasi with unlimited picking sapodilla fruit straight from the tree here.
In these places, there is a children's play area ranging from a seesaw, swings up to the sled. While watching the kids play, you can sit back in the gazebos that have been provided.
To get into the tourist attractions in Bekasi, you need to pay the entrance fee of 20,000 rupiah for one adult and 10,000 rupiah for one child.


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